new server!!! new domain!!!

After some problems with the old server, I’ve decided to move the entire site to a new super-server sponsored by silenci 🙂 and, I’ve done a thing that I should have done many years back: get a domain. I’ve chosen xphere.spontz.org, I don’t know why, I don’t have any reason, and even if I had one, you’ll be probably not interested in knowing it!


  1. Congratulations! 🙂

    PD: a veure si quedem algun dia ara que torno a estar per barcelona, fa la tira de temps que no us veig.

  2. i tant!!!!! per mi cuan vulguis! per cert, he vist que tmb tens un blog! esta molt xulo! mola el raytracer per mobil! sempre va be tenir un raytracer portable 😛

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