Navegant per les webs… m’he topat amb una notícia de codepixel un tant curiosa: un engine 3D que utilitza el llenguatge normal i corrent per descriure escenes 3D, per exemple, una escena “normaleta” es podria definir com: “The brick wall is 120 feet wide and 4 feet tall. The wall is behind the willow tree. The tree is on the mountain range. the mountain range has a dirt texture. The church is 10 feet behind the wall. The shiny sphere is 40 feet above the ground and 10 feet to the right of the church. The sphere is 30 feet tall. The huge silver cowboy is 12 feet behind the church.”
Que raro, no? :D, res de vèrtex, res de res, ho descrius tal cual i ho pinta!!
La veritat es que la qualitat no es una maravella ni res, però si mes no, és curiós. Ho trobareu aqui: semanticlight.