Cocoa tutorial 2!!!
In this new tutorial we will know how to add panels to our app, and will learn a little about a preculiar tool called File Merge. enjoy! Cocoa tut 02: Panels & File Merge
In this new tutorial we will know how to add panels to our app, and will learn a little about a preculiar tool called File Merge. enjoy! Cocoa tut 02: Panels & File Merge
Yippieeeee!!! we have an exe-packer for macOSX!!! iPakk!!!!!Here I show you my little tests… i have tried with the default options so I think that the compression can be improved a little bit more. ZNME: (full APP package) the original… Continue Reading
Hey! second tutorial is here!!!!Here we will learn how to do an application from 0.The application will be a simple window with an OpenGL view and 2 standard controls (a button and a slider).Cocoa tut 01: Window & OpenGL view… Continue Reading
Here you have!!I’ve decided to do some Cocoa tutorials. Why? well… I have my mac for one or two months and since first day, I’ve tried to code something for it (with lots of deceptons :P). I’m starting to understand… Continue Reading
Noves tools en desenvolupament… i una mica de documentació per anar obrint boca…. 😀3 noves tools estan per venir, 2 d’elles ja les coneixeu:El generador de Textures i el d’Objectes, tot i que estàn refetes pràcticament desde 0.Per altra part,… Continue Reading
Que si que si!! que no es coña!!! estic retrassant-me perque…… [sarcasm] estic fent la documentació! [/sarcasm]. …. la veritat és que estic arreglant bugs…. hi habien uns quants…. U_U’ (mierda de deformación profesional!!!)
Pos eso!! m’he pillat un MacBook Pro i ja el tinc a caseta!! per fi!!! ha trigat les seves setmanetes en arribar, però… JA EL TENIM AQUI!!!Ara… a instal·lar les Xcode!! muhahahhaha!! 🙂
Estic preparant una nova versió del generador de textures (aquesta vegada li he dedicat MOLTES hores), amb varies novetats: 99% del codi refet, molt més òptim (de 50Mb ocupats en memòria, he passat a casi 8Mb), noves textures, noves maneres… Continue Reading
New pomod version!!In this new version, we have some bugfixes solved (now ALL modules should work with no problems), and new functionalities, like a Spectrum Analyzer… grooovy!!Some minor changes have been made… f.i. volume routine has been modified: now “attacks”… Continue Reading