pomod 0.7.6 update!! (again!!)
Hi everyone!! new pomod update!! (0.7.5 to 0.7.6), with a few small changes 😛 Enjoy it!! or Modify it!!
Hi everyone!! new pomod update!! (0.7.5 to 0.7.6), with a few small changes 😛 Enjoy it!! or Modify it!!
Hi everyone! New pomod version!! 🙂 Well, we can say that it is a minor version (0.7 to 0.7.5), there are no big news, only small bugfixes, and a small feature: You can get pomod 0.7.5 from my page, and remember, source… Continue Reading
Hola! porto un parell de dies trastejant amb el últim xcode 3 (el que be amb el Leopard) i he de dir que porta més canvis dels que em pensava, entre ells hi destaco: La veritat és que em va… Continue Reading
La bcnparty ya terminó hace unos meses y parece ser que todo terminó bien, ahora queda hacer reflexión para montar la siguiente, aprender de los errores y todo eso, asà que he decidido hacer un post de lo que recuerdo… Continue Reading
IM-PEZIONANTE!!!Asà me he quedado cuando he visto el sdk que ha sacado google de android, una nueva plataforma para dispositivos móviles abierta. No te ha quedado claro? bueno, es un nuevo sistema operativo que ha sacado google, pero abierta de… Continue Reading
Hi everybody!!some months ago, I changed my Motorola L7 mobile for an HTC s200, it has windows mobile, it’s ugly, usually hangs, and so on… but it runs pomod smoothly!! 😀 So, after some months enyoing such a wonderful program… Continue Reading
Com sempre, la Breakpoint em deixa … flipant!!!Aquest any no he pogut anar, però he pogut veure les demos que s’han presentat… buffffff!!!! impressionant!!!!Podeu veure un molt bon resum al post del winden, val la pena. O sino, mirar directament la llista… Continue Reading
OpenGL?, Cocoa?, DualCore?…. you have just to admit it: all this is shit!!!!!!!!http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1216http://www.viceteam.org
In this tutorial we will develop an Image Viewer!!! It supports lots of formats: jpg, gif (animated also!), png, tga, psd (!!), and some more. Maybe I will complete the tutorial with 2 o 3 new features, but I’ll release… Continue Reading
I have recieved some mails with doubts and bugs about the tutorials I did, so I decided to update them.Estefania (drumu) suggested me to design them with a better look (could you believe? she said that my old desing was… Continue Reading